Get the 2023 Professional Development and Technology Development Schedule here.
Registration and Dropping a Course Offering
Registration, confirmation, and dropping a course offering are all handled within the Duke Learning Management System (LMS). If you need to cancel a course for which you are registered, please perform the action within the Duke LMS.
Note: If you are within the 5-day open enrollment period, prior to the start date, you must contact L&OD or the instructor to be registered into the course offering.
The Waitlist
We strongly recommend getting on the waitlist in the LMS. If someone drops the course, the individuals on the waitlist are offered the seat in the order in which they were put on the list.
Payment Information
Payment information is required for classes that have a fee. Many departments can provide time off and/or funds to cover the cost of job-related training. Please check with your supervisor.
You will be prompted to provide a department fund code (7 digits for university; 9 digits for health system). If registering within WebEx, you will be prompted for your payment details upon registration. If registering within the LMS, you will be prompted for your payment details in the registration confirmation email that follows. You can also use this form to enter your department fund code.
If you prefer to pay for the class yourself rather than charge it to a Duke cost center code, you must pay with a check or money order for the exact amount, made payable to “Duke Learning & Organization Development”. We cannot accept cash or credit/debit cards. Please mail your payment to Duke Learning & Organization Development, 402 Oregon Street, Suite 101, Campus Box 90463, Durham, NC 27708 so that it is received no later than 5 business days before the class date.
Drop/Cancellation and No Show Policy
If you can no longer attend a class, you must drop the course in the LMS at least four business days before the course date to avoid a late cancelation fee. For a typical two-day weekend, if your class is on
- Monday, the last drop-day is the previous Tuesday
- Tuesday, the last drop-day is the previous Wednesday
- Wednesday, the last drop-day is the previous Thursday
- Thursday, the last drop-day is the previous Friday
- Friday, the last drop-day is the previous Monday
Remember to count any official Duke holidays as non-business days – this will push back your last drop-day even further.
If you do not drop your course before the drop deadline, the course fee will be charged. Emergency drop and cancellation after the drop deadline is at the discretion of L&OD.
Please Be Prompt
All classes will begin on time. Please plan to arrive about ten minutes early to sign in and get settled. If you will be more than twenty minutes late for a workshop at Oregon Street, please contact us to save your seat (919-613-7613). Otherwise, your space may be given to a "walk-in" participant.
Some workshops, especially our computer workshops, have prerequisites or require equivalent experience. It is important that you only register for workshops just above your current skill level. For computer workshops, please click on the workshop title a second time to skip past the short description and get the detailed lesson plan.
Please assess your skills to make certain that any prerequisites or equivalent experience have been met. Generally, if you have about 90% of the skills listed on a lesson plan, you will be able to participate in the next level up without difficulty. If you have less than 90% of those skills, we recommend registering for the class you are looking at.
If you have questions about workshop content or prerequisites, please contact Srini Iyengar, our computer technology instructor, at 919-613-7616.
Directions, Maps, Parking and Transportation
For directions and maps, please visit About Learning & Organization Development.
Free parking is available in the lot in front of our buildings at 402 and 406 Oregon Street. Overflow parking is available in the small lot behind building 402 and on the west sides of Alexander and Oregon Streets. (Please do not park in the lot beside the Duke Police Station or the Episcopal Center.)
All Duke permits are valid in our front lot. If you do not have a Duke permit, or your parking permit is not on a hanging tag, please ask your instructor for a temporary pass immediately upon your arrival - do not wait for a break. Display the pass on your dashboard.
Duke University buses C1, C2 and C3 stop near us on Campus Drive or Alexander Street, within five minutes walking distance or less. During the school year, they run approximately every ten minutes. Please see schedules and routes at the Parking & Transportation website. During breaks, routes are combined and lengthened, and buses run less frequently. We do not recommend using the bus system during breaks.
Severe Weather Cancellation
If the University declares the Severe Weather Policy is in effect, our workshops will be canceled and our buildings will be closed. To determine if the severe weather policy is in force, please call 684-4636. Please note that media announcements about "classes at Duke" apply only to graduate and undergraduate classes - not to workshops at L&OD. Once our office is open again, we will promptly reschedule any canceled workshops or transfer you to an upcoming session already on the calendar.
Casual business attire is appropriate. Room temperature may vary, so please bring a jacket or a sweater.