Exercise & Wellness Information
- Hydrate for your Health
- Proper Attire and Proper Shoes Equals Improved Workouts
- Staying Injury Free
- Strengthen Your Legs
- Take Time to Stretch
- Looking for Other Places to Run or Walk?
- Need Motivation?
- ChiRunning and ChiWalking
Training Levels
Choose the run/walk training level that fits your needs, whether you are a beginner exerciser or someone training for a 5K event
Beginner Walkers — Start out walking for 20 minutes on a fairly flat beginners' course, and gradually work up to walking 60 minutes on the same course. Meets at East Campus Wall (Map) and Duke Raleigh Hospital — Garden Entrance (Map).
Beginner Walker Intervals —This group begins with a 35 minute brisk walk and will gradually start adding walking intervals to increase your intensity. Minutes of walking will increase gradually to 60 minutes on a fairly flat beginners’ course. Meets at East Campus Wall only. (Map)
Beginner Walkers to Runners — This group combines walking and running on a fairly flat beginners' course. Beginning with a 20-minute routine, walking and running will be performed in intervals of a few minutes each. Minutes of running will increase gradually to a 44-minute routine. Meets at East Campus Wall. (Map)
Intermediate Run/Walker — Begin by alternating running and walking for 30 minutes, gradually progressing to 42 minutes with longer running periods on a fairly flat beginners’ course. Meets at East Campus Wall (Map)
Advanced Walkers — Begin by walking briskly for 40 minutes, gradually increasing to 60 minutes on an advanced course. Meets at Al Buehler Trail Entrance. (Map)
Advanced Runners/Walkers — On the advanced course, begin by alternating between walking and running; gradually build up to running continuously for 35 minutes. Meets at Al Buehler Trail Entrance. (Map)
Advanced Runners — Gradually build up from running continuously for 30 minutes to running continuously for 45 minutes on the advanced course. This group also works on increasing running speed by performing intervals of slow jogging and faster pace running. Meets at Al Buehler Trail Entrance. (Map)