To choose references, identify former or current supervisors who are willing to positively speak to your skills and qualifications. Take time to contact each person to bring them up to speed on what you have been doing and send them a copy of your current resume to highlight your major accomplishments. Verify each reference's contact information, phone numbers, addresses, and the preferred method of contact.
Help your references by providing a detailed job description. Any person you identify as a reference needs to be able to answer the following:
- Dates of employment / How long they have known you.
- Their professional relationship to you.
- Your current position / Job title
- Your Major / Degree.
- A general description of your current job duties.
- An assessment of the quality / quantity of your work.
- A general assessment of your Strengths / Weaknesses
- An assessment of your skills
- Leadership / Managerial skills
- Technical skills
- Oral / Written communication skills
- Decision-making ability
- Budgeting / Financial skills
- Professional conduct / Moral Character
- Attendance / Punctuality / Dependability
Follow up with your references to say thank you and let them know the outcome of the hiring process.
Manager Conversation
Duke policy stipulates that an employee must notify his or her current supervisor of a transfer request before accepting another position at Duke so that the current supervisor and hiring supervisor can discuss staff performance and work background.