Once you receive a job offer resist the urge to respond immediately. Express your appreciation for the offer and request a day or two to make a decision.
Evaluate the Job Offer
Consider the following in making a decision:
- How does the offer align with my career goals?
- How will the responsibilities involved utilize my skills?
- Am I willing to make the professional commitment to a new position?
- Am I willing to support the culture and goals of the organization?
- Does the compensation package (salary and benefits) meet my expectations and needs?
- Are the working conditions a match for your needs?
- Is this a good match for my values, interests and personality?
- What trade-offs am I willing to make?
Decide on the Job Offer
Should I accept or continue my search? After you've reflected on the questions above, make a decision. Initially you may communicate your decision via telephone or e-mail. However, follow up with a written letter that conveys your decision and confirms your start date and salary.