New staff are required to complete certain training and certify understanding of policies. Many of these requirements stem from federal or state regulations that apply to all educational, research and patient-care institutions.

Required Training

Online Safety Training: The Occupational and Environmental Safety Office provides online training modules that include all safety compliance topics for new hires and ongoing safety renewal requirements for Duke staff.

Harassment: As part of Duke’s commitment to creating a supportive environment free of discrimination and reflective of the institution’s high standards and values, all new staff must complete a training on how to recognize and report harassment in the workplace. The training is offered online through Duke’s Learning Management System, which is accessible through the MyCareer section of the Duke@Work self-service website.


Confidentiality Agreement. You may have access to confidential information needed to perform your job duties. Patient and personnel information from any source and in any form (e.g., paper record, talking, computers, etc.) is strictly confidential. You should understand and agree to comply with the statement before signing the agreement. The signed agreement should be maintained in your department personnel file and a copy should be given to you. Any questions or clarifications should be addressed to your manager or department human resources representative. The Executive Council of the Medical Staff has also recommended that employees sign the agreement annually.

Duke Staff Handbook. The Duke Staff Handbook offers a comprehensive review of Duke’s Human Resources policies, procedures and forms. The policy manual provides you with access to uniform information in order to assure equitable and consistent application of the policies. As a new or transferred employee, you will be required to acknowledge that you have reviewed and had an opportunity to discuss with your supervisor any questions you may have related to the contents. You and your supervisor must sign and date p. 47 in the Duke Staff Handbook. A copy will be placed in your department personnel file and the original document will be returned to you. The handbook and the comprehensive Human Resources Policy Manual are available online.

Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct: All new staff are required to review and affirm their agreement to abide by the Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct that sets forth overarching ethical principles, applicable laws, regulations and university policies to which members of the Duke University community are expected to adhere.

Substance Abuse: As part of the "Drug-Free Workplace Act" and the "Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulation," Duke must inform all newly hired employees of its Substance Abuse policy, including the requirement to notify Duke of any criminal drug statute convictions not later than five days after such convictions for violations occurring on Duke premises. 

Did You Know?

During extraordinary times of severe weather or emergency conditions, some positions require on-site presence to continue operations of patient care, student support and research functions. To ensure continuous operations during these conditions, all jobs are categorized into one of three service levels in support of the policy. Check with your supervisor to understand which category your position is in and what is expected of you during these times.

Severe Weather & Emergency Conditions Policy