(COB) Carry Over Bank
This bank consists of earned sick time that may be carried over from a prior program including Duke Hospital, Campus/Medical Center, and Duke Raleigh Hospital. This bank ensures that employees do not lose any of their earned time when transferring to DUHS. At retirement, non-exempt employees may receive credited service as detailed under the Employees' Retirement Plan.
Designated Service Requirements
You must be scheduled to work 40 hours or more every two weeks to be eligible for PTO.
Duke Regional Hospital
Duke Raleigh Hospital
Duke University Hospital
Duke University Health System
Exempt Employee
Employees who are paid monthly.
Family and Medical Leave Act
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) gives you as a Duke University Health System employee a total of 12 weeks (based on a 40 hour week) of unpaid leave during any 12 month period for one or more of the following reasons.
- The birth and care of your child.
- The placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care.
- The care of a family member (a family member is defined as a child, spouse, registered same sex spousal equivalent, or parent). if that person has a serious health condition.
- Personal serious illness.
- Care for injured or ill service member.
- An eligible employee with a covered military member serving in the National Guard or Reserves manages their affairs while the member is on covered active duty in support of a contingency operation. This provision makes the normal 12 workweeks of FMLA job-protected leave available for: (1) Short-notice deployment; (2) Military events and related activities; (3) Childcare and school activities; (4) Financial and legal arrangements; (5) Counseling; (6) Rest and recuperation; (7) Post-deployment activities; and (8) Additional
To be considered a "serious health condition" the condition must require an absence from work, school, or other regular daily activities of more than 3 calendar days. In addition, the condition must require continuing treatment by, or under the supervision of a health care provider.
With management approval, you may take FMLA leave and not report to work, or you may work out a schedule of reduced hours at work and take the unused hours as unpaid FMLA leave.
Any accrued time in the form of vacation, sick leave, discretionary/designated holidays, or Paid Time Off (STB/LTB/COB) must be used prior to taking an unpaid leave of absence under the FMLA.
(LTB) Long Term Bank
If you accrue more than 55 days (440 hours) of paid time off, the excess goes into this bank automatically. You may keep up to 120 days (960 hours) in your LTB. Time in the LTB may only be used for a personal or family medically related reason (ex. illness, injury or medical emergency for self or family member*, FMLA or Maternity).
Once a year, employees will be given an opportunity to sell LTB time at 50% of their base rate of pay.
* A family member is defined as a child, spouse, registered same sex spousal equivalent, or parent.
Non-Exempt Employee
Employees who are paid hourly every two weeks.
(PTO) Paid Time Off
A program that provides a way for you to schedule (and get paid for) time away from work for rest, relaxation, holiday, illness, personal or family need. PTO will begin on July 1, 1999 for exempt employees, and on July 5, 1999 for non-exempt employees. (more detailed information)
PTO Retirement Benefit
At retirement, your PTO may be treated in one of two ways: 1) you may receive 100% of accrued and unused STB and, if you are age 55 or older, 100% of your LTB hours will be paid in a lump sum payment based on your base rate of pay in effect at the time of retirement, or 2) you may receive 100% of your current base rate of pay and benefits for each STB and, if you are age 55 or older, 100% of your LTB hours until all hours are exhausted, extending service to retirement date.
SAP's R/3
Business application software that will run many of Duke University Health System's core administrative processes like accounting, payroll and purchasing.
(STB) Short Term Bank
The first 55 days (440 hours) of PTO time goes here, and this is the first bank from which PTO is taken.
Not being at one's work station/unit at the scheduled time. Absence for greater than one-half of shift becomes unscheduled time off.
Time and Attendance
A system of ID card readers and software that records employees' work time electronically, eliminating the need for manual timesheets. (more detailed information)