Duke University Health System (DUHS) provides paid time off for eligible employees for the purpose of rest, relaxation, illness, holidays, personal, and family needs.
The Paid Time Off (PTO) program puts vacation, sick leave, holiday, and funeral leave into one program. This gives employees more flexibility in scheduling time off to meet family needs and balance work and personal life. The design of the PTO program is also intended to assist employees and DUHS in managing staffing needs in order to meet the operational needs of DUHS.
For more information, please see the HR Policy Manual: Paid Time Off.
Check PTO Balance
Employees can log on to the www.TimePC® system to view their PTO time and attendance data.
How to Log On
To log into www.TimePC®, enter your employee or badge number at the prompt. If you have a PIN configured, enter your PIN in the PIN data entry field. Select the Login button to connect to www.TimePC®. Selecting the Exit button exits www.TimePC® and closes the web browser window.
Note: The user's session terminates automatically if the browser is idle for more than 5 minute(s). If the session is terminated, the login screen will display, prompting the user to login again.