
You should call your department supervisor if you are going to be tardy or absent from the assignment. Repeated tardiness or absences can affect your current and future assignments or your employment at Duke. Please notify your department supervisor if you need to leave your assignment early due to illness or an emergency. In case of inclement weather, please contact your department supervisor.

Reminder: Any time taken off from an assignment must be coordinated with your department supervisor.

Employee Evaluation

As a DTS employee, you are evaluated by your department supervisor during each assignment. This electronic evaluation is reviewed by your DTS employment representative. While employed at Duke, you may request to review your evaluations by calling your DTS employment representative.

Since subsequent assignments are based on prior evaluations, it is important to do your best and be conscious of your performance. If your performance is unsatisfactory, you will be counseled by your DTS employment representative and, if necessary, the DTS manager. Such counseling could lead to termination of employment.

ID Badges

You will be issued a form to get a free photo ID badge at the Duke Services Center, Duke Clinic, Red Zone basement, Room 04230. An appointment is not needed.

You must upload a picture to the DukeCard website prior to visiting the DukeCard Office. Please go to the DukeCard website, click on the "Submit Photo" circle at bottom of screen and follow the directions to take a selfie. You will need to log in with your NetID, password and multi-factor authentication to upload your photo to the DukeCard Office. This may be done using a cell phone.

Your ID badge will be valid for six (6) months. When your ID badge expires, contact DTS to obtain another. There is no charge if the ID badge is expired. However, if you lose your ID badge you will be responsible for purchasing a replacement. You should always wear your ID badge while working on Duke premises. The ID badge must be returned to DTS if you terminate employment or transfer from DTS.

Parking Information

If you plan to drive to work, you must purchase a parking permit at Parking and Transportation Services located within the Duke Services Center, Duke Clinic, Red Zone basement, Room 04230. To purchase a parking permit you must provide the make, model and license plate number of your vehicle. Parking information, parking locations and the cost of a parking permit are available at Parking and Transportation Services.

Please park in the designated areas according to your parking permit. DTS will not be responsible for traffic or parking tickets. For additional information, please contact Parking and Transportation Services (919-684-7275) or visit the website.

Mandatory Compliance Update Training

Compliance update training is mandatory for all DTS employees on an annual basis. You may access the compliance update training through the Occupational and Environmental Safety Office website. You will need your NetID and password. Please send any questions about your NetID or password to: or call the Office of Information Technology (OIT) at 919-684-2200. Choose "Training & Reports" then click on "Online Training" and follow the directions provided. You must test on any training that is marked with an asterisk and an expired date. Your information will be automatically updated after you complete the quiz. With your supervisor's approval, you may complete training at your worksite or you may use the computers at DTS.

Reminder: If you do not update your compliance training as required, you may be released from your assignment and terminated by DTS.

DTS Work Rules

As an employee of DTS you are expected to follow certain rules of conduct and performance. Any one, or several, of the following actions will be justification for DTS to terminate your employment, including, but not limited to:

  1. Unsatisfactory performance of duties.
  2. Failure to report to assignments, leaving assignments early, tardiness or excessive absences.
  3. Failure to contact your supervisor when absent, tardy or leaving work early.
  4. Smoking or use of any tobacco-based product, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, hookahs, chewing tobacco, snuff, and electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, vaping products, and IQOS, on any property or grounds owned or solely leased by Duke University or Duke University Health System.
  5. Failure to maintain a neat, clean appearance; failure to wear ID badge while on assignment; failure to conform to a department uniform or dress code policy.
  6. Use of profane or abusive language.
  7. Failure to adhere to Duke or department safety policies or procedures, including failure to immediately report an accident on Duke premises involving an on-the-job injury or property damage.
  8. Insubordination, including refusal to accept and follow instructions from supervisors.
  9. Loud and boisterous conduct which may be discourteous or harmful.
  10. Failure to adhere to the Duke policy on non-solicitation.
  11. Refusal to accept instructions of security officers, and in emergency situations, civil defense personnel or other proper authorities.
  12. Sleeping on the job.
  13. Unauthorized or improper use of Duke property.
  14. Unauthorized use of Duke identification badges or passes; permitting another person to use your identification.
  15. Unauthorized use of computers and/or the internet for non-business purposes.
  16. Reporting to work in an unfit condition and/or working under or suspected of working under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  17. Commission of any crime on Duke premises such as theft: unauthorized removal of or willful damage to property; unauthorized possession of alcohol/weapons/ explosives; gambling; being found in possession of illegal drugs; and charging personal long distance phone calls to Duke without authorization.
  18. Behavior which compromises another's safety or privacy, or discloses confidential information, including medically-related records.
  19. Any activity which violates federal or state standards regulating the provision of professional services, or violation of regulations affecting continued licensure, commissioning, or certification in a profession.
  20. Failure to appropriately interact with anyone on Duke premises (including patients, their families, students, visitors, customers, or other employees), when such behavior violates another's privacy or dignity, including sexual harassment.
  21. Falsifying or forgery of any Duke records (such as employment application, timecards, etc.); improperly recording hours worked on timecards.
  22. Threats, fighting or physical actions against another person on Duke property.
  23. Willful damage to Duke property.
  24. Conducting personal business in the workplace or interrupting other employees from their scheduled work.
  25. Use of another's computer logon and password without proper authorization to gain unauthorized access to confidential or privileged information.
  26. Personal use of electronic mail including solicitations, chain letters, sexual or ethnic jokes and slurs, defamatory statements and idle gossip is forbidden.
  27. Any employee who is arrested for a misdemeanor or a felony must notify his or her DTS employment representative of such arrest no later than seven calendar days after the arrest. If an employee is convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, he or she must inform his or her DTS employment representative of such conviction (including pleas of guilty and nolo contender) no later than seven calendar days after the conviction.


If your address or telephone number changes, please update your information online by visiting Duke@Work, the self service website. It is your responsibility to contact your DTS employment representative when your employment status changes or when your work assignment ends.

Personal Telephone Calls

Your work location and/or telephone number will not be released to outside callers. DTS will forward messages to you only in case of an emergency.