DukeALERT Test, Open Enrollment, Welcoming New Staff
DukeALERT Test Scheduled for Wednesday
Help spread the word about the test of the DukeALERT emergency notification system on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 10 a.m. Sirens will sound as part of the test, and individuals are asked to review the DukeALERT website for what to do in the event of an emergency.
Preparing for Open Enrollment for Benefits
Encourage your faculty and staff to review the options for health, dental, vision and reimbursement benefits before the open enrollment period begins Oct. 21.
Welcome to Duke!
Working@Duke would love to hear how staff and faculty in schools, departments and units welcome their new employees to Duke. Do you host a lunch? Take new hires on a special tour? Assign a buddy? Let the editorial team know.