There are two types of fees that you may pay when investing using funds in Fidelity BrokerageLink®:

  1. Fund imposed Fees - These are defined in the fund's prospectus. Examples are expense ratio, redemption fees, exchange fees, and sales charges (for load funds).
  2. Fidelity Transaction Fees - These are fees charged by Fidelity. There are no fees to open a Fidelity BrokerageLink® account.

Funds on the Fidelity BrokerageLink® platform can be one of the three following categories:

No Transaction Fee Funds (NTF Funds)
Includes Fidelity funds and additional funds
  • Review the fund's prospectus for details. Visit
  • Redemption fees may apply.
  • No Fidelity transaction fee.
Short-term trading fee:
Fidelity transaction fee will apply if shares are sold before 60-day holding period. This fee does not apply to Fidelity funds, money market funds, FundsNetwork Transaction Fee funds, FundsNetwork load funds, or shares purchased through dividend reinvestment. In addition, Fidelity reserves the right to exempt other funds from this fee, such as funds designed to achieve their stated objective on a short-term basis. The fee will be based on the following fee schedule below.

Fidelity is compensated through expense ratio revenue share.
Transaction Funds (TF funds)
Includes many Vanguard fund and additional funds
  • Review the fund's prospectus for details. Visit
  • Redemption fees may apply.
  • Fidelity transaction fee will apply. See Fidelity Fee Schedule below.
  • If purchases are done by payroll contributions then the Fidelity transaction fees are waived.
Short-term trading fee:
  • No Fidelity transaction fee.
  • No minimum holding period.
Load Funds
Funds with sales charge.
  • Review the fund's prospectus for details. Visit
  • Redemption fees may apply.
  • Sales charge is defined in the prospectus.
  • Front-end load fees may be waived if purchases are processed using the automatic investment payroll contributions feature. Please contact a Fidelity representative to confirm specific loaded fund fees.
  • Participant must acknowledge that they understand there is a load charge.
  • No Fidelity transaction fee.
Short-term trading fee:
  • A fund's sales charges may apply. Fidelity does not charge a transaction fee on a load fund. A fund's own redemption fees may apply.

1 Fidelity may also be compensated for providing certain recordkeeping services or other services. Review the fund's prospectus for details.

Fidelity Fee Schedule

Transactions can be made as follows:

  • Online - $49.95 for most purchases / some are $75.00
  • Automated Service Telephone (FAST®) – Not representative assisted – 0.5625% per purchase ($75 Minimum / $187.50 Maximum)
  • Phone Representative-Assisted - 0.75% per purchase ($100 Minimum / $250 Maximum)

For questions or enrollment into Fidelity's Brokerage Link please contact Fidelity.

The content on this website was prepared by Duke as a summary of types of expenses you may incur with the self-directed brokerage account.

Visit Fidelity’s BrokerageLink® for the details about the fees associated with the self-directed brokerage account.