
You are eligible to participate in the Duke 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan if your annualized compensation equals or exceeds 150% of the Social Security taxable wage base. For 2024, the minimum salary requirement is $252,900.


Enroll or make changes to your Duke 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan through Duke@Work. You may also enroll or make changes to your Duke 403(b) Faculty and Staff Retirement Plan through Duke@Work.

For more information, please see the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan brochure:

Plan Brochure

For more information, please see the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan brochure:

Maximum Contribution Amount

Each year, your contribution amount to the Duke 457(b) Plan is limited to a maximum dollar amount specified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For 2024, the IRS limit is $23,000. This amount is in addition to any contributions to the Duke 403(b) Plan.

Enroll in Your Duke 457 (b) Deferred Compensation Plan

You may enroll in the Duke 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan online or by paper:


  1. Set up your pre-tax payroll deductions through the Duke@Work self-service website.
  2. Select your investment options and designate your beneficiary through Fidelity's website.

By paper form:

  1. Complete the 457(b) Salary Reduction Agreement
  2. Complete the Fidelity enrollment form to select your investment options and designate your beneficiaries

Return to the Benefits Office by fax or mail. Information on where to return completed paperwork is listed on the forms.

Retirement Service Providers for 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan

New Enrollments



National Phone: (800) 343-0860
Web Site: www.fidelity.com/duke
Appointments: www.fidelity.com/reserve
Account: Access Your Fidelity Account

Local Contacts:

Alan CollinsAlan.collins@fidelity.com919-491-4946
Yvette MillsYvette.mills@fidelity.com919-444-8603
Cleo MorganCleo.Morgan@Fidelity.com919-500-1056

Fidelity Retail Office:
7011 Fayetteville Rd.
Suite 110
Durham, NC 27713

Closed to New Enrollments



Local Phone: (919) 687-5200
National Phone: (800) 842-2776
Web Site: www.tiaa.org/duke
Appointments: www.tiaa.org/schedulenow-duke
Account: Access Your TIAA Account

Local office: 5425 Page Rd.
Suite 220
Durham, NC 27703

Corebridge Financial (AIG/VALIC)

Contact: Tom Overcash (Thomas.Overcash@corebridgefinancial.com)
Local Phone: (919) 401-3200
National Phone: (800) 448-2542
Web Site: corebridgefinancial.com/rs
Appointments: (919) 401-3200
Account: Access Your Corebridge Financial Account

Local office: 3211 Shannon Road
Suite 600 (6th floor)
Durham, NC 27707