Employee Occupational Health (EOH) Clinical Services include comprehensive occupational health services for Duke employees. Services are available at the three locations above, Monday - Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Clinics are closed on Wednesdays from noon - 2 p.m. For general questions, email EOHClinics@duke.edu

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Fitness for Duty Evaluations

When a manager observes employee behavior presenting a safety risk for an employee or patients, EOH clinicians may perform a confidential health assessment to determine ability to safely perform job functions. Managers should call their local EOH Clinic or 919-681-8115 to discuss with an EOH nurse before confronting the employee or as soon as possible. After speaking with EOH, managers should complete the Impairment Checklist located within the Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Policy.

Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Policy

Occupational Exposure Hotline - Blood and Body Fluid (BBF) or Needlestick

Exposures to blood or body fluids (needlesticks, splashes, bites, etc.) should be immediately reported to the Occupational Exposure (BBF) hotline at 919-684-8115. A trained healthcare professional will respond 24/7 to recommend any indicated testing, medication, and/or follow up free of charge.