• Cost: $600
  • Duration: 5.5 hours
  • CEU Credits: 1.0

Course Schedule: The course will be 8:30AM to 2:00PM on both days; you will be a break for lunch and a few short breaks.

Assessment: Participants are required to complete the 360 Dimensions of Management Profile and the Strengths Finder assessmentsat least one week prior to the class start date. The course facilitator will email instructions on how to access the assessment at least one week prior to the class start date. Any participant who misses the deadline will have to register for a future class.

This two-day workshop is grounded in the concepts of research studies that have quantified what the world’s most successful managers do to achieve higher levels of retention, productivity, performance, and customer satisfaction for their organizations. This workshop focuses on the development of leadership and management best practices that will enable you to improve employee and team performance.

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify best practices for effectively managing your employees' expectations for excellent performance.
  • Increase understanding and skills for giving feedback and coaching effectively.

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