4516 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd
Durham, NC
Contact Christopher Johnson to get your special Duke price on all new Toyotas. All preowned vehicles receive $200 off our already low internet pricing. Ask about Southeast Toyota graduate rebates on select models. Cell 919-475-1242 or CJohnson@MarkJacobsonToyota.com.
Mark Jacobson has been in Durham NC for over 20 years. We have earned the reputation as a dealership that goes the extra mile. We provide top dollar on all trade-in vehicles and will buy any vehicle you want to sell for cash. All Pre-owned vehicles carry a 3 day / 300 mile exchange policy. We cover everything so you don’t have to worry about anything! Mark Jacobson Toyota Where We Say Yes!
How to Redeem: You have a single contact person at the dealership to ensure you receive full benefits of the program now and in the future. Must show valid Duke ID, contact CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON to setup an appointment (919-475-1242 or CJohnson@MarkJacobsonToyota.com).
Staff & Family Programs, a division of Duke University Human Resources, conducts an independent review of all potential and existing PERQS establishments through the Better Business Bureau of America (BBB). Duke reserves the right to not publish a discount or discontinue offering a discount for any business at any time if warranted by a negative BBB report and the business refuses to address and resolve the situation. If Staff & Family Programs or any entity of Duke University & Health System receive complaints about a business, the discount can be removed from publication.
This offer is made to Duke faculty and staff for personal use only. Unless otherwise indicated, discount offers expire January 1, 2025. Discounts are valid at time of purchase only. If you experience any difficulties with any discount or service, please contact Staff & Family Programs at staff-family-programs@duke.edu.