
Winter Weather Update

 January 7, 2021

TO:Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Managers
FROM:Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President, Administration, Emergency Coordinator
RE:Winter Weather Update

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for central North Carolina, including Durham and Wake counties. The latest forecasts indicate precipitation in the Triangle will likely start as rain before changing over to a wintry mix or snow later on Friday.

At this time Duke does not expect to activate the Severe Weather and Emergency Conditions policy. COVID-19 testing sites, including gateway testing for graduate students in Penn Pavilion, surveillance testing, sites on campus, and Duke Health test sites will operate on a normal schedule. Buses will also operate on a normal schedule, but passengers should monitor Duke TransLoc in the event delays due to poor road conditions.

The area north of I-85 is likely to see more snow, while areas south of I-85 will probably see more rain until the late afternoon or evening as temperatures begin to drop. Accumulations may vary from less than an inch to 2 inches, depending on location. Wet and slushy areas may also refreeze overnight and create hazardous icy conditions Saturday morning.

Crews will be on-site assessing conditions and clearing or treating any problem areas on campus. The top level of parking garages on campus will be closed as a precaution, and the gates to Parking Garage III will be open after 3 p.m. Friday to allow staff allow to park closer to the medical center.

Individual commuting to or from campus should allow extra time for travel based on weather conditions and use extra caution while walking on sidewalks and elevated surfaces.

Thank you for your assistance in communicating with staff about their roles and responsibilities during severe weather. Additional updates will be posted on Duke Today as conditions warrant or operations change.