Operating on Normal Schedule Thursday
TO: Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Managers
FROM: Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President of Administration, Emergency Coordinator
RE: Operating on Normal Schedule Thursday
With limited snow accumulations in the Durham area, Duke will continue to operate on a normal schedule on Thursday.
Staff should be encouraged to allow extra time for traveling to work, and managers should be flexible with staffing where appropriate. Crews have been working on campus and will continue early tomorrow morning to clear roads, parking lots and walkways.Parking garage roofs will be closed tomorrow morning and gates on all parking lots will be raised for easy entry and exit.
Duke community members who see hazardous or dangerous icy spots during severe weather may call Facilities at 919-660-4280. While the temperatures are projected to remain below freezing tomorrow, the sun’s radiation will help break up ice on pavement and contribute to some melting. Salt, sand, and ice-melt are being used to treat walkways and building entrances for priority routes. But isolated slick conditions may remain throughout the day, and extreme caution is urged for pedestrians and those traveling to and around campus. Only priority routes should be used.
Thank you for your assistance in communicating with staff.