
Implications of Executive Order on International Programs

 February 1, 2017

TO:  Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Managers
FROM:  Mike Merson, Vice President and Vice Provost for Global Affairs
Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President, Administration
RE:  Implications of Executive Order on International Programs

Since the announcement of President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on immigration, we have received many questions about its implications for Duke students, faculty, and staff, and our international programs.

At this time, we do not expect changes in any of Duke’s ongoing or planned international programs. We have about 40 students, faculty, and staff from the seven countries listed in the Executive Order, and we have been in direct contact with them about their individual circumstances. We are recommending that any student, faculty or staff member at Duke who is from one of the seven countries listed in the Executive Order not travel outside the United States at this time.

Duke is actively monitoring the situation for any changes or extensions to the Executive Order that may impact other students, faculty or staff and will be in communication with affected individuals and departments as appropriate.

We have created a central page for updates and resources related to the implications on the Duke Visa Services website. If you have any other questions about the implications of the Executive Order or its impact on your international program, please contact Christy Parrish Michels, travel policy administrator, at  Thank you.