
Expanded Parental Leave Policy

 July 15, 2020

TO:Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Managers
FROM:Sally Kornbluth, Provost and Jo Rae Wright University Professor
Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President, Administration
RE:Expanded Parental Leave Policy

In 2003, Duke announced a Parental Leave policy that provided paid time off for the birth or adoption of a child. At the time, Duke was one of the few academic institutions to offer such a broad policy.

Today, we write to announce a significant expansion and enhancement of the Parental Leave program for both faculty and staff members across Duke, including Graduate Medical Education house staff.

Effective August 3, 2020, Duke will double the current paid time off benefit for staff for the birth or adoption of a child, from three weeks paid leave to six weeks paid leave. We are also lifting the three-week waiting period and the requirement for the parent to be designated as the primary caregiver to use the benefit. In addition, if both parents work at Duke and meet the eligibility criteria, then both can take advantage of the benefit.

For faculty, the current length of the paid leave will remain the same,  however the requirement that the parent be designated as the primary caregiver to use the benefit will be lifted and, if both parents work at Duke and meet the eligibility criteria, then both can take advantage of the benefit.

Expanding the parental leave benefit is an important means of offering more support to our working parents as they adjust to the caring for their newborn or adopted child(ren). This expansion also reflects our Healthy Duke commitment to support the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of our staff and faculty.

For more information about this expanded Parental Leave policy for staff, including eligibility criteria and details about applying for the benefit, please visit the Duke Human Resources website. Faculty can find more details about parental leave in the Faculty Handbook, which will be updated soon with the enhanced provisions.