DukeALERT Test Scheduled for Wednesday at 10 a.m.
TO: Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Managers
FROM: Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President of Administration, Emergency Coordinator
RE: DukeALERT Test Scheduled for Wednesday at 10 a.m.
Beginning at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Duke will conduct a test of its emergency notification system.
During this time, all faculty, students and staff will receive a test email, and a text message will be sent to the mobile devices of all students, faculty, and staff who have registered to receive the service. Registering for text messaging is simple for those who have not yet signed up.
After emails and text messages are distributed, the sirens that comprise the outdoor warning system will sound. The siren’s tone is considered an "all hazards" alert to get the community's attention and will be activated for any type of emergency that requires people to take shelter immediately. Since this is a functional test of the system, Duke community members do not need to seek shelter or evacuate.
Duke community members should, however, take time to understand how they will be notified in the event of a life-threatening emergency like a tornado sighting or active shooter on campus. Visit the DukeALERT site for details about how to respond to different emergency scenarios.
Duke community members should take the opportunity to download the free mobile safety app, LiveSafe, through the Apple App Store or Google Play. LiveSafe allows you to send real-time tips through the touch of a button to Duke Police, which monitors messages 24/7. And with the “SafeWalk” feature on the app, you can invite friends to “virtually escort” you to a destination on a real-time map.
A system test is conducted during the spring and fall semesters and during the summer when the audience is significantly different with various camps and programs on campus.
Note: Post this flier in your office to help promote the test and encourage faculty and staff to register for DukeALERT text messaging.