Using your personal account, you can do all this online anytime:

  • View your account activity and balance
  • Check status of claims and payments
  • Update your direct deposit and contact information
  • Request Pay My Provider payments
  • Download claim forms
  • Upload claim forms, receipts and other documentation

If you have already registered

Log on to your Personal Account and enter your NetID and password* to view your online account and check the status of claims.

Once you have registered, you can also access your account on a mobile-friendly format at

IMPORTANT: After you receive your card (or with existing accounts/cards), please go to your online HealthEquity account. Once logged in, click to view your profile. Then, select preferences. It is recommended that you elect to receive notifications when transactions are made on your account so that you are aware each time your card is charged.

If you believe your HealthEquity health care card was used without your permission or you wish to dispute a card transaction(s) on your account, please call HealthEquity Member Services at 1-877-924-3967 and ask to be transferred to Fiserv, the card vendor. You must contact HealthEquity within sixty (60) days of the fraudulent activity in order to have funds restored to your account.

If you have not yet registered

Complete the simple online registration process:

  1. Log on to your Personal Account and enter your Duke NetID and password**
  2. Enter the information requested
  3. Confirm or update the contact and address information in your profile
  4. Complete banking information if you want checks to be direct deposited into your bank account
  5. Review the User Agreement and confirm your acceptance.
    Please Note: Once your election is submitted, you cannot change, revoke or rescind this election unless you experience a significant change in family status, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or until the next annual open enrollment period.

**Your Duke NetID should not be confused with your Duke Unique ID. Your NetID identifies you to systems and services provided through the Duke computing network. If you do not know your NetID or password, university employees can contact the Duke OIT Help Desk at 919-684-2200, and health system employees can contact the DHTS Help Desk at 919-684-2243.

Contact Information

Phone: 877-924-3967
Fax: 877-353-9236
Mailing Address: Claims Administrator, PO Box 14053, Lexington, KY 40512