The MyBenefits section is where you can review and make changes to your benefit plan elections. For more information, please see the information below or review the Benefits section of the HR website.

Qualifying Life Events Guides

If you are experiencing a qualifying life event, such as marriage, divorce, birth, or adoption, please complete an online request through the Duke@Work self-service website to enroll or make changes to the health, dental, and/or vision plan. The request and required supporting documentation must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the event.

Employee Pay Dates

Faculty and staff can find pay dates at the Pay Schedules website.

Pay Schedules

For more information, please view one of the step-by-step guides provided below or contact the HRIC at (919) 684-5600.

MyBenefits Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more information about the benefits listed under "Benefits Participation"?

For information about your medical and dental benefits, please see Medical & Dental Benefits. For information about your employee or employer 403(b) plans, please see Retirement Plans.

What is the "Employer Credit" I see under the participation details of my medical benefit?

This is the contribution Duke makes on your behalf toward the total premium for your health insurance.

How can I update my dependent information for health insurance?

If faculty or staff experience a qualifying life event, they may enroll or make changes to their dependent information for some of their Duke benefits within 30 days of the event. Any change must be consistent with the qualifying event. For example, adding a dependent to health insurance coverage following the birth of a child. Currently, dependent information cannot be updated through the Duke@Work web site. Please visit the HR web site for information on how to update dependent information.

I processed a change for open enrollment, when can I expect to see that change reflected in my information?

The benefit elections you made during Open Enrollment in October 2021 will take effect in January 2022. Your benefit deductions for the month of January will be reflected in your December 2020 pay statement.

Duke Human Resources Qualifying Life Event Tutorial

Are you a Duke employee who has experienced a qualifying life event and need to make changes to your Duke benefits? You can now make changes online through the Duke@Work self-service website. This tutorial will show you how.

Questions or Feedback?

Please contact Duke Human Resources at (919) 684-5600 or