
Union Election, Employee Breaks, Race & Policing Forum

 February 27, 2017

Graduate Student Union Election Results
A majority of the ballots counted on Friday voted against union representation of Ph.D. students by the Service Employees International Union. While 691 ballots were cast against the union and 398 ballots were cast for the union, more than 500 ballots were challenged due to questions related to eligibility. Since the number of challenged ballots exceeded the margin of the ballots counted, the challenged ballots must be resolved before the election is decided.

Give Me a Break
A new study indicates that employee breaks can lead to increased energy, concentration, and motivation if provided earlier in the work day. Learn more about this and other management issues in the latest issue of the PAS Supervisor Newsletter.

Forum to Discuss Race and Policing
A forum on race and policing will bring together participants from multiple vantage points, including activists, scholars and law enforcement officers, on Friday, March 3. The “Policing Color -- Black, Brown, and Blue: Provost Forum on Race, Community, and the Pursuit of Justice” runs from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Penn Pavilion on Duke’s West Campus. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required before 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28.

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