Severe Weather Policy Extended to 7 a.m. Sunday
TO: Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Managers
FROM: Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President for Administration, Emergency Coordinator
RE: Severe Weather Policy Extended to 7 a.m. Sunday
Duke University and Duke University Health System will extend the Severe Weather and Emergency Conditions policy to 7 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 16. Conditions will be assessed later this weekend to determine if further extension of the policy is necessary.
During the storm, Duke Police and facilities crews will be prepared to respond as needed, but unless a situation is life threatening, crews may wait until after dangerous winds have subsided before responding. Below are contact numbers for reporting concerns:
- Campus: 919-684-2122 (Facilities Management)
- Duke Hospital/Medical Center: 919-684-3232 (Engineering & Operations)
Downed trees/power lines:
- 919-684-2444 (Duke Police)
Power outage:
- 919-684-2122 (Facilities Management)
Duke’s Facilities Management Department will coordinate with Duke Energy on any power outages for Duke-owned or leased buildings. Building managers in leased buildings should also notify the building landlord.
Refer to the the DukeALERT website and the Working@Duke Twitter account for ongoing updates related to areas such as transit schedules, dining operations, and recreational facilities.
Officials continue to monitor the storm models and projections and will send additional communications as conditions warrant.