
Scooters on Campus, L&OD Course Catalog, Preventive Health, Safety Selfies

 June 17, 2019

Scooters on Campus? What You Need to Know
With electric scooters arriving in the city of Durham this week, Duke has established guidelines for using them on campus. Find out where, when and how scooters can operate on campus.

Professional Development Ideas for Your Staff
As you are considering professional development opportunities for your staff next year, you should explore the classes, workshops and certificate programs available through Learning & Organization Development. The new catalog has just been released.

Ounce of Prevention: How Has Preventive Health Care Made a Difference in Your Life?
In an upcoming issue of the Working@Duke magazine, we want to highlight how preventive health care has made a difference in your life. To help us do that, we'd love to hear your story.

Submit Your Safety Selfies for Chance at Prizes
Duke’s Occupational & Environmental Safety Office and Workers’ Compensation Office want to see your best safety selfie for National Safety Month in June. As part of the annual campaign, Duke staff and faculty are invited to send photographs that illustrate how they or their unit eliminate risks to prevent workplace injuries and how they practice on-the-job safety.