Open Enrollment Deadline, Recognizing Employees, Early Voting at Karsh
Open Enrollment Ends Friday at 6 p.m.
Open Enrollment for 2021 Benefits ends at 6 p.m. this Friday. Take time to remind your faculty and staff to ensure they enroll or make any changes before the deadline. Remember, participation in the reimbursement accounts does not automatically continue from year to year. If you do not make changes to your medical, dental or vision coverage, your current medical, dental and vision coverage elections for 2020 will continue for 2021.
How Do You Recognize A Job Well Done?
Recognizing good work is one of the most important ways managers can connect people to purpose while boosting morale and camaraderie. With many teams working remotely during these times, how have your recognition efforts changed? Are you doing anything new or special to recognize individual or team accomplishments? Share your efforts with Working@Duke for an upcoming story.
Last Week for Early Voting on Campus
The early voting site located at Duke’s Karsh Alumni and Visitors Center will close at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31. Anyone who has been a resident of Durham County for at least 30 days prior to election day on Nov. 3 is eligible to vote at Karsh Alumni and Visitors Center, including Duke students, staff and faculty. Several Duke buses and vans will run services to Karsh during the week to make access more convenient.