
Leading Virtual Teams, Cyber Security Tips, PAS Support

 April 13, 2020

Best Practices: Leading Virtual Teams
Social distancing in response to COVID-19 has temporarily interrupted the way many of us work. As a leader, you may now be managing a team working remotely. To support your success, Duke Learning & Organization Development has developed a guide of best practices for leading virtual teams.

Cyber Security Tips While Working Remotely
Cyber actors are taking advantage of the world becoming increasingly reliant on the internet and virtual communications to stay connected and collaborate during COVID-19 pandemic. Be sure to follow these guidelines to protect Duke’s information and resources.

PAS Available for Support During Public Health Crisis
Personal Assistance Service available to offer emotional support and well-being resources during this challenging time. Telephonic and video sessions are easy to access through a smart, phone, table or laptop with video and microphone capability. To obtain an appointment, contact the PAS office at 919-416-1727.