Free Flu Shot, Friday Football Game, Intervening in Employee Conflict
Fight the Flu with Free Vaccination
Free flu shots are available on campus beginning Sept. 21. Certain Duke Primary Care locations will have extended and weekend hours starting September 23 to provide flu shots for children of Duke employees and dependents.
Heavy Traffic Expected for Duke Football Friday Night Game
Heavy traffic is expected on area roads and West Campus on Friday when Duke hosts the University of Miami for a 7 p.m. nationally-televised game at Brooks Field at Wallace Wade Stadium. Health care providers working second shift on Friday are encouraged to allow extra travel time to ensure their ability to arrive at work on time.
How Best to Intervene When Two Employees Don’t Get Along
Personality conflicts can lead to quarrelsome relationships that often do not respond to classic attempts at problem-solving and negotiating. Learn how to manage a constructive intervention in the latest issue of the Personal Assistance Service Supervisory Newsletter.