
Doing Good, Multi-tasking Dilemma, Diversity Award, Cybersecurity Month

 October 1, 2018

Did You Get the Message?
You should have received an email this morning from President Price and Chancellor Washington asking you to help support our community through the Doing Good in the Neighborhood campaign. In the wake of Hurricane Florence, the need has never been greater.  As leaders, you can set the example for others. Make a contribution today.

Multi-taking May Be Hurting, Not Helping
While being a good at doing tasks simultaneously is considered a positive quality to have, the pitfalls that come along with dividing your focus can often outweigh the benefits.

Who Does Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Look Like to You?
The Office of Institutional Equity is seeking nominations for this year’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Award. The award recognizes individuals who have demonstrate behavior or led initiatives that foster equity, diversity, and inclusion. The award honors both staff and faculty who have demonstrated such a commitment by their leadership and have helped to create a more diverse and inclusive environment at Duke University and Duke Health. 

Test Your Phishing Detection Skills for Chance to Win AppleWatch
As part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October, Duke staff, faculty and students can take a quiz to test their phishing detection skills. All Duke users who take the quiz will be entered into a drawing to win an AppleWatch.

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