
Deadline for nominations for Presidential Award

 February 6, 2018

TO:  Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Managers
FROM:  Antwan Lofton, Assistant Vice President, Staff & Family Programs and Staff & Labor Relations
RE:  Deadline for nominations for Presidential Award

Each year, Duke honors its best and brightest staff and faculty with the prestigious Presidential Award. The deadline for nominations is this Friday, and I encourage you to consider nominating an individual from your unit who represents the best of Duke and whose performance was above and beyond expectations throughout the 2017 year.

This Presidential Award recognizes faculty and staff who have made distinctive contributions to Duke University and the Duke University Health System. Nominations should reflect the criteria in the enclosed guidelines.  The nomination categories are listed below.

  • Clerical/Office Support - Staff Specialists, Office Assistants, etc.  
  • Clinical/Professional - Lab Technicians, Nurses, Coordinators, clinical or professional personnel in a non-managerial capacity
  • Service/Maintenance - EVS, Facilities, service positions  
  • Managerial - Supervisory personnel at level 15 and below (managers, supervisors)  
  • Executive Leadership - Supervisory personnel at level 16 and higher, faculty, Directors, Assistant Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents (any senior leaders other than the President)

Please forward nomination forms to the Office of the President, 207 Allen Building, by Friday, February 9 at 5 p.m.  You can obtain the form electronically by visiting the Duke Human Resources website

Presentation of the five Presidential Awards and up to 25 Meritorious Service Awards (for runners-up) takes place at an awards ceremony hosted

by President Vincent Price later this spring.  All accepted nominations will be ceremonially bound and mailed to the nominee with a letter of congratulations. 

If you have any questions or need additional information, please call the Office of Staff & Family Programs at 919-684-9040. Thank you.