
COVID-19 Notice, Use of Electronic Information, FAQ on Fall Semester

 July 27, 2020

Required Posting: Steps to Reduce Potential Transmission of COIVD-19
Please print and post this legal notice regarding the steps Duke has taken to reduce the potential transmission of COIVD-19 for anyone on-site. The notice should be posted prominently in major entryways or access points within buildings and facilities. A separate notice is being distributed by Duke Health for patient care facilities.

“Acceptable Use” Policy Expanded During COIVD-19 Pandemic
To best monitor the health of the Duke community during the COVID-19 pandemic, officials have approved a temporary expanded use of electronic information and other institutional data to support symptom monitoring, pandemic testing, and contact tracing, all as part of Duke’s pandemic response.

Find Answers to Questions about the Fall Semester
Have questions about dining on campus, bus operations, or symptom monitoring protocols? Find the answers to these and other questions related to the fall semester on a newly posted FAQ.