You may enroll at any time in the Faculty and Staff Retirement Plan regardless of whether you are an employee paid on a biweekly basis or an employee paid on a monthly basis.

How to Enroll in Your Duke 403(b) Retirement Plan

Your 403(b) plan enables you to make voluntary contributions to your retirement on a pre-tax basis, Roth after-tax basis, or a combination of both. Enrolling is an easy two-step process.

Before you decide to enroll in the plan, you only need to make a few key decisions.

403(b) Enrollment

Enroll or make changes to your Duke 403(b) retirement plan through Duke@Work.

403(b) Enrollment

Enroll or make changes to your Duke 403(b) retirement plan deductions through Duke@Work.

Choosing How Much to Contribute

You make your voluntary contributions as a payroll deduction. You can change the amount once per pay period.

  • You can select to contribute 1% - 80% of gross salary per pay period.
  • The IRS limits how much you can contribute to a 403(b) plan. The IRS limits for 2025 are as follows:
403(b) Elective Salary Deferral Limit$23,500This is the basic retirement plan deferral limit for each employee.
Additional Age 50 Catch-Up Limit$7,500Employees age 50 and over can contribute this amount to a retirement plan in addition to the 403(b) Elective Salary Deferral Limit.
Additional 403(b) Lifetime Catch-Up Limit$3,000This special retirement plan catch-up is for certain employees who have at least 15 years of service at Duke and have contributed an average of less than $5,000 per years of service at Duke. Contact the HRIC at (919) 684-5600 to determine if you qualify.
  • The limit reflects your total 403(b) contributions, whether pre-tax, Roth after-tax or a combination.
  • If you would like to contribute your maximum IRS limit on a pre-tax basis, you may enroll in the automated maximum program. This program will calculate your maximum contribution for the year and at the beginning of each year will adjust your deduction amount to reach that maximum limit.

Choosing Which Funds to Invest In

It is up to you to determine the right mix of investments that meets your needs. Duke offers a tiered approach to investing, based on how hands-on you want to be with your investments. Duke monitors funds in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Funds in Tier 3 are available for employees to invest in through a self-directed brokerage account, but are not monitored by Duke. Please review the Investment Performance and Fee Disclosure Summary information before making your investment selections.

Two Step Process for Enrollment

Once you know how much you would like to contribute, it is a simple process to enroll.

  1. Set up your payroll deduction as either pre-tax, Roth after-tax, or a combination of both through the Duke@Work self-service website.
  2. Select your investment options and designate your beneficiary(ies) by accessing your Fidelity account through Duke@Work or (800) 343-0860.

Review the Investment Performance and Fee Disclosure Summary information before making your investment selections.

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