Certain events in your life can affect your Duke benefits coverage. If you experience a qualifying life event, you may make changes to some of your Duke benefits within 30 days of the event. Any changes you make must be consistent with your qualifying event, must be permitted by plan rules, and must be requested within 30 days of the event.

Qualifying life events include:

  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Birth, adoption, or placement of a child for adoption
  • Death of spouse or covered dependent
  • Loss of eligibility for insurance coverage for employee or a covered dependent (loss of an individual policy due to non-payment does not qualify)
  • Gain of eligibility for insurance coverage for employee or a covered dependent (gain of an individual policy does not qualify)
  • Change in spouse's employment status which results in a loss or gain of insurance coverage
  • Change in medical insurance eligibility due to a relocation of residence

If you experience a qualifying life event, you have 30 days from the date of the event to request changes to your health, dental, vision, and reimbursement accounts via the Duke@Work self-service portal. Additionally, you will be required to provide documentation or written proof of the qualifying life event, such as a birth, marriage or death certificate, divorce decree (a certified copy is not required), or letter from an employer indicating the loss or gain of coverage. Additional types of documentation may be deemed acceptable – consult the Human Resources Information Center online or by phone at (919) 684-5600 for details. If the 30 day deadline is missed, you will need to wait until Duke's next open enrollment period to make changes to your health, dental, vision, and reimbursement accounts. Please also note that if you wait to enroll in dental at the next open enrollment you will be subject to the late entrant restrictions.

Please contact the Human Resources Information Center (HRIC) by phone at (919) 684-5600 for additional information or assistance using the online tool.