We're all doing more with less and it takes a toll on body, mind and spirit. Success Over Stress can help you learn some skills for managing stress and gaining perspective on the stressors in your life. Success Over Stress is self-paced: you review materials at your own pace.
Since stress means different things to different people, four topics are available: Outsmart Stress, Relaxation Techniques and exercise, Managing Responsibilities, and Balancing Work and Family.
Out Smart Stress
The way we think about a situation says a lot about how we feel about it. Our attitude is a powerful tool and one that can reduce our stress tremendously without costing us a dime or much additional time.
Relaxation Techniques & Exercise
Everyone knows they should relax but many of us don't know how. Find out how several relaxation techniques work including deep breathing, stretching, and mindfulness.
Managing Responsibilities
So much to do, so little time. Many of us consider this our daily mantra. Find out how you can make the most of the time you have as well as get started simplifying your life.
Balancing Work and Family
Do you have children at home or care for an aging relative? If so, you know the pull of wanting to be two places at one time. Get some help balancing work and family demands.
Additional Resources
Being in good health also helps us cope with stress. Remember LIFE FOR LIFE has several free services available:
- Nutrition and fitness consults can get you started or remotivate you to exercise or eat more healthily.
- The LIVE FOR LIFE web site has nutrition, exercise, smoking, cholesterol, and blood pressure information, links and more.
If you have questions or suggestions please contact Jessica Bailey at 919-681-0516 or Jessica.Bailey@duke.edu.
Personal Assistance Service
Personal Assistance Service is the faculty and employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members.
Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality
Dr. Carrie Adair guides listeners through several meditations on the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality podcast, Disrupting Behaviors.
Duke Gardens
Sarah P. Duke Gardens has provided a collection of meditations of various lengths, with some even accompanied by beautiful visuals from the renowned gardens.
Duke Health and Well-Being
For several weeks during the initial surge of COVID-19 cases in North Carolina, Duke Health and Well-Being broadcast live meditations each day for Duke Health employees to help with anxiety, stress, and burnout. Over 35 of those meditation sessions were recorded and are now available for everyone.
Duke Integrative Medicine
Duke Integrative Medicine produced a series of meditations (5-10 minutes each) led by the Integrative Medicine team.